I have very great peace and confidence that the outcome of tomorrow's vote will be right in God's plan no matter who gets elected. It is in His hands. My hope is not in any man but in God who "directs the hearts of Kings".
And yet, with that said, I have a lot of very strong feelings regarding the actions of my fellow Christians. I have been completely shocked this election, (so utterly shocked) to hear of professing Christians unwilling to vote on behalf of tiny, innocent, unborn babies who do not get to vote. Professing Christians who think that there are greater issues than the life of a little baby?
I meant to blog about this many, many weeks ago. I started, ranted, deleted. Many times. But...
what in the world do I say to a Christian who will not vote to protect the life of millions of unborn babies???? For (what?) their
wallet? What in the world do I say? I can only guess that these people must be so very,
very far removed that they think that they will not themselves be judged for their part in it and that their vote doesn't really
impact that world of the unborn? That somehow... it filters down, gets dilluted and in the end, Obama, the doctor performing the abortion, or the
mother will bear the final responsibility for the life of the innocent. I'm guessing....(trying
so hard to give them the benefit of the doubt here)... that they must not
know that it is our job? As Christians? That God will not start by judging Obama or the poor lost, deceived and exploited woman seeking the abortion but that He will hold responsible those of us who know better?
Maybe they've never seen one of these tiny beautiful silhouettes twirling and kicking on an ultrasound machine... the little four chambered heart just beating away?
I'll never forget the first ultrasound I saw. I was a very little girl and it was my first magical peek at my wonderful, beautiful, dancing little sister...
Rose. I had a glimpse that many never get, through my Mom's tummy, into the unseen world of the innocent, unborn
people. Real
people. When we vote for a person that we
know will vote
for the murdering of these innocent little people... what neurons in the brain are misfiring...? What sinful justifications and numbing of the conscience has brought us to a place where we think for one moment that we ourselves will not stand before an Almighty God, the One who
"knits them together in their mothers' wombs" and have to answer for the deadly stroke of our pen? Not just Obama's pen. But
our pen. I guess the reality of this personal responsibility really sunk in while I actually picked up my pen to draw that line in ink from one end of an arrow, to another. I realized in a brand new way that I was, in fact, writing in ink, a line representing life, or
death and it hit me that
I will answer to God someday for that line.
And with a very, very sick, sinking feeling... I thought of all the professing Christians I know of who know better, and who will have to answer for their part too.
It's an easy vote, Christians. We vote for LIFE. We imitate Christ who laid down His own life, so we might live. Before we had a vote, He voted for us. In obedience to the will of the Father, He voted for us. So we imitate Him, walk by faith, in obedience, knowing that our Father can raise the state of this nation's economy just as easy as He raised Christ. He is a God of miracles and redemption. So we lay down whatever we have to....
....... to vote for those babies.
I shall wash my hands in innocence,
And I will go about Thine altar, O LORD,
That I may proclaim with a voice of Thanksgiving,
And declare all Thy miracles.
Psalm 26: 6 & 7