Saturday, March 29, 2008


...We tied the knot...
And I love him a lot ...

He's like

He puts up...with...a lot...

A chocolate chip cookie...

(Yes, I know that cookie part seems totally random but I haven't had a lick of sugar, in any way, shape or form...simple carbs or refined anything! ... for a solid 3 weeks. So the cookie was a big deal folks.)
And to my husband, my best friend in the world~
Everyday with you is like a miracle for me. When you get home from work at night I still get that same funny feeling I had when we were flying away into the clouds on our honeymoon and it hit me like... oh my gosh it worked! That poor fool just actually married me! SWEEET!!!
Seriously though... it still feels like a miracle everytime you come home and walk through that me. You're my hero, my very best friend, everything I ever wanted and so much more. You make the gospel so very real to me the way that you love me and these amazing kids. Thankyou, thankyou oh my gosh Brian.....thankyou...... I am so totally looking forward to seeing you as a really cute old guy... holding our grandbabies and tipping over in your rocking chair... heh...heh heh...
Thank you for loving me

I love you so so much.



The VanderVeens said...

OH you two! Your love is refreshing and encouraging. You are wonderful!

Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary !!! I was ill so didn't get by here toy wish you happy 12 years !!! You guys are so stinkin cute !! Hope you had a great day together.

Love, Mica